Taylor Catalog 2014 - page 4

At300 to400 surface feet/minute, Broncoshave
more than twice the removal rateof competitive
The patented (pat#6273513) and patent pending Bronco is
amajor breakthrough in floor removal equipment design.
For the first time, removal rates are not dependent on a
machine’s sheer size andweight. The Bronco equals or
outperforms those large, heavy, expensive, awkward
machines but comes in a small, compact size.
And the Bronco is availablewith three different power
options: The super-clean electricmodel, the low- emission,
propane-poweredversionor thenewbattery- operated
HybridOptimumBronco.Whichever Bronco you choose,
you’ll get the same great features including high perfor-
mancewith lowmaintenance.
Small, but powerful, the Bronco is easy to transport in a
standard garden trailer or pick-up truck rated3/4 tonor
heavier, when loaded and unloadedwith a forklift. Only
29"wide, theBroncos fit inpassenger elevators and through
doorwaysmaking it ideal for residential applications.
The adjustable Power-Glide articulating suspension
system keeps the blade engaged at all times.
Theunique, articulatingPowerWedgedesign reaches into
tight corners and provides asmuch power as heavier, more
expensivemachines. Easy-to-operate controls allow for a
zero turn radius.
The Broncohas only five drive components - amotor, two
pumps and two gearmotors. That’swhywe can go the
extramile and extend every Bronco a limited1 year
warranty. The propane Broncohas a 2 year warranty on
the engine. And you can lease a Bronco for as little as
$600 permonth.
So, before you invest in a professional grade stripper, you
owe it toyourself and the successof your company to check
out the revolutionary Bronco.
Removal rates, blade life and equipmentmaintenance vary
depending on the installationmaterials and techniques
originally used to install the floor covering.
For themost demanding floor removal jobs - everything
from direct glue down carpet and resilient installations to
ceramic andhardwood - Taylor Tools offers themost complete
lineof floor removal equipment and tools in the industry.
The line includes hand scrapers, buffers, walk-behind
strippers and, for large commercial removal jobs, you can’t
beat oneof our compact, but powerful, Broncos.
For removing:
• Adhesive applied carpeting
• Resilient sheet goods
• Rubber and vinyl tile
• Plastic
• Rubber
• Ice
• Epoxy Resins
• Ceramic-Broncos & Pogo Scraper
(see pg. 20) only
• Saturated felt
• Parking Lot Coatings
• Sports Track
• Cork
• Adhesives
• Paint
• Tennis court surfaces
• andother industrial accumulations
All Strippers comewith tools and an
assortment of blades to get you
See theBronco inactionat
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