This catalog provides awealthof informationon themany quality productsmanufactured
by Taylor Tools that have been specifically developed for floor preparation and installation
As complete as it is, however, muchof the information containedherein is subject to change as
the Taylor Tools product line continually evolves - new products are added, existing products are
improved, additional services are offered...
That’swhywe strongly encourage you to supplement the information contained in this catalog
with the latest information and additional resources you’ll findonour newly re-designedwebsite
TheTaylorToolswebsite is full ofuseful stuff for flooringprofessionals including:
UpdatedProduct Information.
Aswe continue to develop innovative tools ormake improvements and enhancements toour
current products, the latest information can always be found at
An easy-to-use online calculator for quick CalciumChloridemoisture test results
A printable log sheet for in-situmoisturemeter results
A printable log sheet for CalciumChloride test results
A sign-up form adds you toour email list for the latest product and pricing information from
Taylor Tools.
TaylorProducts InAction!
Several instructional and product demonstration videos highlight themany features and
advantages of the Taylor Tools professional product lineup.
A current list of all Taylor Tools distributorswith contact information andwebsite links.
The list includes international distributors.
Here you’ll find detailed drawings ofmany of our products and a complete parts list tomake it
easy toorder replacement parts.
MonthlyTool Specials!
A list of our Tools of theMonth describing how you can save by buying selected products
during themonth they’re featured.
Operating instructions, specifications, maintenance schedules andother important product
manuals are available for downloading and/or printing.