Taylor Catalog 2014 - page 35

6” 5.25” 5.5”
ASTM 2170 insists
that RelativeHumidity readings
MUST be taken at 40%of the thickness of the concrete
slab tobe tested. So, just how thick IS the slab?
The traditional method formaking that determination
involves drilling a hole through the slab (whichmust
later bepatched),then insertingabent wire to, hopefully,
catchon the underside of the slab and thenmeasuring
the protruding lengthof wire.
But, drilling through the slab can cause spalling on the
undersidewhichwill affect the results. And, there is a
risk of drilling through amoisture barrier under the slab
compromising its integrity.
Andwhat if
the slab thickness is inconsistent?
Or, if you’re testing an elevated slab
- is the test
hole over a peak or a valley in the underlying corrugated
These variations in slab thickness can compromise the
accuracy of your RH test results.
But with the newCTG.600Concrete Thickness Gauge
from Taylor Tools you can rest assured that you’ll be
getting fast, accuratemeasurementswithout the need for
drilling. The CTG.600 system saves time, money and
provides accurate results.
Here’swhat you get:
• CTG.600 battery-powered Test Gauge
• Test HeadwithHigh Frequency Impactor
• Power Adaptor/Battery Charger for 110/220VAC
• Software Installation thumbdrive
• PC/notebook Serial Cable
• User’sManual
• Foam-padded PelicanCarrying Case
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