Taylor #893 Seam Weld Iron
Throw that glue bottle away and meet the future of carpet seaming. The patented 1-Step Seam Sealing and Seaming System from Taylor Tools not only drastically reduces installation time, it results in a better, stronger seam.
The 1-Step Seaming Irons unique welding head applies a precise amount of hot melt adhesive to the carpet seam edges, locking in the face yarns while simultaneously welding the seam together.
The result? A joint that is actually stronger than the rest of the carpet with a seam that will remain flat even after stretching with virtually no seam peaking.
Instruction in the proper procedure is required for optimum results. Call, write or visit the Taylor Tools website for more information.
Makes Better Seams!
Minimizes handling
Provides a perfect, lay-flat, no-peak seam. . .every time!
Actually fortifies the seam - now the seam is the strongest part of the carpet
Ideal for restoration